
The non-neural cognition research group was founded in 2024. We are a team of researchers that span philosophy, psychology, and cognitive science with the shared aim of investigating the adaptive behavioural motifs in a wide array of model systems, using both theory and experiments to explore the possible cognitive nature of such behaviour. In particular, we are interested in the question of cognition beyond the paradigmatic human case, and especially in systems that we tend to overlook due to a fixation on neural organisms. We aim to explore how key cognitive functions – such as learning, memory, and decision making – might be exhibited in non-neuronal organisms and how these processes compare to those in neuronal organisms. Our team comprises researchers from various disciplines, with a shared interest in investigating cognitive processes beyond traditional neural frameworks with a critical yet open-mind. We aim to advance understanding in this emerging field through innovative research and collaboration in line with best practices.

We are especially thankful to our host and advisor Prof. Tobias Schlicht for his generosity and support.



The non-neural cognition research group aims to make progress across both theoretical and experimental levels of analysis in order to critically understand how organisms without nervous systems can still process information, adapt, and respond to their environments.

Examples of the kind of questions we investigate:

How do organisms without brains navigate complex environments?

  • Investigating mechanisms of environmental sensing and adaptive responses in non-neural systems.

What capacities for learning and memory exist beyond neural networks?

  • Exploring how non-neural organisms exhibit memory-like behaviours and learn from past experiences.


If you’d like to know more about what we’re up to or are interested in joining our research network, please feel free to contact us!

